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A character's stats determine how they function in the game. They include Health Health, Energy Energy, and Attributes. Sub-stats, like Damage Bonus damage bonus, however, are determined not only by the value of the main stat, like Potency potency, but also the level of the character. All characters have a multiplier that effects the value of their sub-stats. As that character levels the value of that multiplier goes up. That being said it is possible for a level 1 character with 500 Potency potency to have a much smaller Damage Bonus damage bonus than a level 25 character with 300 Potency potency.


Health Health determines how much damage a character can take before dying. It regenerates naturally out of combat, and can be restored immediately with a Health Potion Health Potion or by leveling up.


Energy Energy is used to activate or maintain a character's class ability. Characters gain energy by attacking enemies or objects, and it naturally decays down to zero if it is not used. It can be restored immediately with a Energy Potion Energy Potion or by leveling up.


Attributes are a character's core stats that have a strong influence on gameplay mechanics.

Each attribute contains two sub-stats that are derived from it. Some bonuses and penalties may apply directly to these sub-stats instead of the attribute itself.


Potency Potency is a measure of the raw power one can bring to bear, enhancing base damage and the amount of Energy which is gained from attacks.

Damage Bonus

Damage Bonus This is the amount of damage a single, non-critical hit will do to an enemy.

Energy per Attack

Energy per Attack The value indicates how much energy is gained for a successful hit on an enemy.


Swiftness Swiftness is a measure of fleetness of foot and hand, increasing movement speed and rate of attack.

Rate of Attack

Rate of Attack This is the number of attacks that can be performed per second.

Movement Speed

Movement Speed This is the number of tiles that can be crossed per second.


Endurance Endurance represents a wellness of body, which in turn increases the amount of damage one can shrug off and the ability to dodge attacks.


Avoidance This value is compared against an enemy's accuracy for a chance to allow a projectile to pass through you without dealing damage.

Damage Reduction

Damage Reduction This amount is subtracted from the damage an enemy inflicts on a successful hit.


Willpower Willpower represents a strength of conviction, which increases damage done by critical strikes and the rate at which health is regenerated.

Critical Damage

Critical Damage This is the multiplier applied to damage when scoring a critical hit.

Health Regen

Health Regen This is the amount of health that is restored every second while outside of combat.


Focus Focus represents the ability to stay clear headed in the face of danger, increasing the ability to land a critical hit and increases the duration of positive buffs.

Critical Score

Critical Score This value is compared against an enemy's critical defense to determine the chance to land a critical hit.

Buff Duration

Buff Duration This multiplies the original duration of any buff by the amount listed.